Friday, February 19, 2016

ONU Up to Us Team Learns a lot This Year!!

As a young millennial I have learned so much about the long-term national debt.  I now officially feel as if I am an experienced and knowledgeable individual who can help others learn about what they can do to turn the debt around.  I never thought Id say this but I actually care about something for once.  The other day my professor asked me what do you care about and it took me a few seconds but then BOOM it hit me.  I care about the national debt.  I decided we should talk to congressman Bob Latta and his staff because his website has a debt tracker on it.  Never thought I'd actually see someone who makes a lot more money than myself actually care.

This semester has been a rough one with ups and downs all semester long and most of our team being seniors we were busy working on our capstone projects so things were rough trying to balance it all.  But we did do well and we all feel like we have learned so much about the national debt.  We got on the Lima News twice thanks to our youngest team member Patrick Riley.  seeing him learn so much and grow as a professional was among the coolest things I've ever seen.

I will be sure to work on trying harder to get this campus more aware and more intelligent on things they can do to decrease the national debt.

ONU Up to Us Team showing the Polar Bear Girls Basketball Team Fans just what the National Debt amounts to.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Cam Hurt After Taking it to Far

This past Sunday I was watching the North Carolina Panthers play the New Orleans Saints and I swear I cried three times.  One because my favorite team lost to a very bad team by 31 points and my fantasy football team I started Drew Brees over what was a good week for Eli Manning it’s hard to ever tell which QB is going to do good for me and it is also a loss for me when I choose wrong.  Anyways to the juicy news about the game,  after a 3-yard touchdown run Cam Newton did his ever so popular touchdown celebration which is him reenacting the Superman ripping his suit to show the “S” on his costume.  Well that didn’t make Curtis Lofton to happy then he pushed him for celebrating in his face and an all-out brawl started.

Well after he got pushed he supposedly said to Lofton, “I f*** you up more than Katrina did.”  Probably the lowest blow you could say to someone who had his whole family affected by the hurricane and to a team who was on the verge of winning the Super bowl and with a stadium that was used for refuge.  Below is the Twitter picture found with the article about it all.  

What’s even more badly is well two days later Newton was put onto a stretcher and into an ambulance in the late morning hours of Tuesday the 9th.  It was reported that he flipped his truck three or four times in Charlotte, North Carolina.  Karma may have gone a little far when it came to this no one deserves this he fractured two vertebrae and some other injuries.  The whole situation is going to be even worse when the NFL investigates what he said on the field Sunday and if they find out what he said was true he could see some fines and with this injuries he may also sit the bench for a bit.  All of this is just one tragic incident that escalated pretty fast.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Recommending Measurement

There is one thing I would like to say about “Measuring What Matters”, and that is that this is a very intelligent and inspiring book.  It makes me sit and think about things that I will be able to do when I become something in life.  Now that I know how to really measure what matters (ha-ha no pun intended).  I would recommend this book to anyone who is in a high stakes business so just about anyone in a corporate position.  I recommend it to them because well it is geared towards them. 

Small business owners should take this book into consideration too because back home not all of the family owned businesses survive because they don’t know how to measure.  They also don’t know what social media they should use.  A lot of them thing having a Facebook page is smart and all it does is ruin them because once they have a bad review everyone in town sees it. 
I think that since I have the Ebook I will reread this book at my own pace so that way I can really understand what’s more important to measurement.  That is why I recommend this book to everyone who owns any type of business so they can learn and adapt the right way

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Last Post a Happy Post

Okay ladies and gentlemen, Since all semester I have been a bummer when it comes to my personal life blog post I decided today That I would change it up for you all.  Other than one of my best friends getting in a car accident and breaking his hip and fracturing some ribs he is okay, but in better news my Christmas present from my somewhat richer uncle came this weekend.  I cannot be any happier I got a Microsoft Xbox One and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. 

All weekend I got to play this and got to set everything up and I love it so much.  I usually get the Sony system that comes out I’ve had a PlayStation 1, 2 and 3 but after hearing so many bad things about the PS4 I decided to go with the popular Xbox One this year.  I couldn’t be any more pleased with the performance and graphics, now all I can say is if this is what I’ve gotten for Christmas I am fine with getting nothing else. 

This will be my last personal blog for class but that doesn’t mean I wont blog anymore it just might not be 3 times a week anymore keep in touch with me and I might blog something fun for you.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving a Bust

Thanksgiving break for me was work, work and more work; there was no play for this guy.  I’ll start it off on Wednesday, I worked from 2-10 just to come home and not fall asleep for some odd reason.  Then Thursday rolled around and of course we all know it is Thanksgiving, I had a brunch at my step brothers then had to get to work and then worked 5:30pm to midnight.  Getting home around 12:35 in the morning I never fell asleep until 2am.  Sadly I had to be back to work on black Friday at 5:30am so with that being said I worked from then to 3pm.  Then worked my normal weekend shift 2-10pm on Saturday and 1-7:30pm.

Needless to say I feel like I didn’t have really much of a Thanksgiving break, I never had turkey or stuffing.  I really hope all that work is worth the paycheck next Thursday.  Anyways on the bright side I did start watching this show on Netflix called Friday Night Lights and it makes me want to become what I’ve dreamed of becoming.  At one point these past few weeks I had lost sight of what dream that was but now I have refocused and I guess that is what I needed.

Do you believe in fantasy/ Sci-fi characters?